July Update
Oki Piikani!
We hope everyone is enjoying the summer holidays and staying cool, safe, and busy. We would like to take this opportunity to explain the operations of Piikani Security Services. PSS is a For-Profit organization which means we enter a tendering process,
place a competitive bid, and await an award on the contract. Once we are awarded the contract our guards are placed, and duties are performed. It can take anywhere from 30 to 90 days to see the benefits of the contract.
e also, apply for provincial and federal
government grants and subsidies. Should a Piikani department, entity, or public/private event wish to hire PSS for our services, we
can be contacted at daylu.grier@prdl for inquiries, quotes, and bookings.
We have been busy these past few months and would
like to share our successes as well as the upcoming
training opportunity.
Industrial Security:
Piikani Security Services has been working
with our Joint Venture Partner - Primco Security
Services LP. On the TC Energy Pipeline located
in Coleman, Alberta. We have 5 Piikani Nation
members working full-time on the project which
will run until November 2022. Over the winter
months, we will prepare and gear up for the next
project with TC Energy in the Spring of 2023.

It was with great honor that PSS was able to
provide security for Piikani Nation Secondary
School and Napi’s Playground Elementary School
graduations, we congratulate all graduates on
their success and wish them all the very best in
their futures.
PSS assisted Piikani Nation and Public Works with
the helicopter landing and tour with the Minister of
Environment, Mister Wilkinson. It was a safe,
successful experience and all went well.
Over the past two years, it has been challenging and many annual events were canceled; however, this year we were able to
attend and assist Piikani Nation Membership with the annual Treaty Day payment.
Piikani Annual Celebration was a great success. PSS employed 43 people over the 3 days of Celebrations. There
were approximately 2,500 people at the celebrations over the weekend where we provided crowd control, information services, parking, traffic control, and a general place for elders and visitors to take a rest and visit our team.
We had community members,
elders, and visitors compliment our team not only on a job well done but also, for ensuring the grounds were safe, quiet, and
comfortable for the nights and the weekend. Congratulations and thank you to all those who were dedicated and committed to
working with our team to ensure we had a safe, fun, and exciting weekend of Powwow, Rodeo, Baseball, and Hand game action.
Community Monitoring:
PSS guards are committed to providing monitoring
services throughout the day and night to ensure
our community is safe and secure for our families,
elders, and children. Once again, we would like
to remind everyone that PSS is here to monitor,
the document, protect, deter, deescalate, and assess
situations. We ask that if you are in an emergency,
you call 911 immediately

Training Opportunity:
Ready for an exciting new career? Training Inc.
Lethbridge is hosting a 5 -week of fully funded Security
Professionals training September 26, 2022. If you
are interested in joining Piikani Security Services,
we encourage you to take this opportunity to be
trained and employed. The application process
must be started early as there are documents
required to be funded and licensed. The deadline
for applications is September 2, 2022. For more
information and assistance with the process, please
call Daylu at 403.965.3092.
Thank you all for your support and we look forward to
seeing everyone in and around the community.