Role Model
Karli Crowshoe, B.A. MMgmt is a mother, creator, dancer, and ceremonialist from the Piikani Nation and possesses Nez Pearce roots.
Growing up Karli had a great interest in powwow dancing, specifically Jingle Dress but had no outfit and/or mentor to assist her. At 12 years old, Karli had then decided to design and make her own Jingle dress; learning from her aunt the basics of beading. Through determination and hard work at a young age, Karli completed her entire outfit on her own and began dancing in powwows. Today, one of her powwow daughters still dances in the first dress she made.
Karli attended Bishop Grand High School in Calgary, later achieving her GED through the University of Calgary's ISAP transition program, then completing her degree in 2021, and now entering her master's degree. Karli's first year of University is when the idea of creating her own company came to mind. After taking great consideration and planning, Karli decided to move ahead with her plan and started her company The Cheif's Daughter.
The Cheif's Daughter was created out of love and passion for pow wow dancing and strives to revive and promote traditional stories and an oral culture through precise beadwork. Karli credits her grandfather and her family legacy as a guiding force for her creations, marrying Niisitapii ways of knowing with the modern indigenous lifestyle. The story behind the name is back in the old traditional ways of life, the Cheif's Daughter dressed the most extravagant and had the best beadwork. The chief and his daughter can relate to the European royalty the king and princess. "With each piece I create, I want them (my customers) to feel blessed and like royalty," Karli says. Each piece is designed specifically for the buyer and tells a story. Karli was recently invited to the Stars and Spurs Gala as the featured artist alongside the Canadian musician Tom Cochrane. That is where one of her hats was auctioned for $8500.00. That was the most amount for one of her hats.

Karli is also a strong advocate for working mothers and creating spaces for Indigenous women in the work field. "I teach my children to care and give out of the goodness of their hearts when people or strangers ask for something." Karli always puts her two sons before anything in life but always takes care of her mental health and overall well-being. "I always strive to be better and to provide for my children but also taking time and managing my mental health- I have to be healthy to care for my children."
Currently, Karli works for Alberta Recreation and Parks Association creating by-laws and governance for the Elders Knowledge Circle Society, and is a committee member for the Blackfoot Entrepreneurs Steering committee.
When accomplishing her goals, Karli's biggest motivation is her children and to be a good person in life. "Help one another. Be good, caring and loving each other." Karli says due to the world not having enough kindness and love for people to move forward and be successful. Karli leaves messages for Piikani's youth, mothers, and members, "Apply yourself to something you enjoy and do it well. Have a goal, break the barriers, never look back. No matter small or large, you can do anything you put your mind to because you are Piikani. Piikani people are strong and resilient... we are survivors, and I am proud to be from Piikani."
Being a single mother of two, completing and acquiring two degrees, and breaking through her trauma and stereotypes Karli has achieved more than what she has ever expected. Through love and caring and determination and resiliency Karli is a true Piikani Role Model.